Sidney Regional Medical Center is a 25-bed Critical Access Hospital in Sidney Nebraska, SRMC offers Inpatient and outpatient services. Services include but are not limited to; emergency services, inpatient observation, skilled swing bed, outpatient infusion, labor and delivery, inpatient and outpatient and outpatient surgery, and family practice, Our acute care department staffs a full-time Master Social Worker wo=ho interview all patients admitted to the hospital and collaborates with the interdisciplinary team to form a discharge plan for each patient. The MSW leads our skilled swing bed services making sure all regulations are met. The MSW also home placement and adult day care.
Special Placement Information:
BSW full time, MSW 1st year students, MSW 2nd year and Advanced Standing, The MSW student will spend their hours in the acute care department so there should be no expenses incurred for travel or transportation. The student does not need liability insurance. Video and audiotaping of staff with their permission is allowed but not of patients.