Hospice provider serving 11 counties in North Central Florida majority of patients are 65+ during the end stages of a terminal diagnosis. Patients are home-based (private homes, Long Term Care facilities, Assisted Living facilities). Social Workers are part of the interdisciplinary team that works cooperatively to assess and address the patient and family needs. The Social Worker specifically addresses the following: individual psychosocial needs, connection/application to community resources, assistance with making final arrangements, assistance with financial arrangements if seeking long-term placement, and arrange transport and bed reservations for respite care.
Special Placement Information:
The Agency is accepting BSW Full-time, MSW 1st year students, MSW 2nd year and Advanced Standing Clinical Students, Part-time BSW, Full-time MSW. Generalists & 1st yr. students will be mostly office-based and facility-patient locations. All of these are located on bus routes 2nd year/clinical: will need transportation as patient interactions will include home-based patients anywhere in our service area. VITAS does offer mileage reimbursement for travel in the field. Normal hours are 8:00 AM-5:00 PM w/some availability for weekends/evenings depending on the level of student.