The Community Action Team (CAT Team) is a self – contained integrated multi- disciplinary team providing comprehensive, intensive, community based treatment to families with children and youth at risk of out of home placement due to a mental health disorder. The CAT Team provides family centered; culturally competent services focused around the strengths around the strengths and needs of each child and his/her family with a goal of supporting and sustaining the child in his/her family system and the community. Medical staff provides psychiatric care, basic health status checks and works with the family to maintain medical records and linkages to community health care practitioners. The whole family is embraced in care and family commitment and participation and participation is essential and expected. The CAT Team assists the family in developing a natural support network, improve interactions with the school system and developing a natural support network, improve interactions with the school system, and develop and use other community resources and supports. Children ages 11 to 21 years of age with a mental health diagnosis or co-occurring substance abuse diagnosis, at risk for out –of –home placement for whom traditional services have not been adequate as demonstrated by repeated failures at less intensive levels of care, 2 or more hospitalization or repeated failures, involvement with DJJ or multiple episodes involving law enforcement, or poor academic performance and/or suspensions. Children younger than 11can be accepted into the program if they meet 2 or more of the criteria above.
Special Information:
The agency is accepting part time students. The student will need reliable transportation, a valid Florida Driver’s License and current automobile insurance. Travel is reimbursed by the agency at $ .445 per mile. Liability insurance is provided through the company. Video and audio taping is not permitted. The agency office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 PM; Services will often be provided to clients in the evenings or on weekends.