Social Psychology Practicum Training
The MDC provides a two-semester practicum training program for students in the Educational Specialist School Psychology Program at FSU. During the first semester the practicum includes didactic sessions to review test administration, report writing, classroom observations, teacher consultation, and issues related to working in public schools. Student’s test administration skills are evaluated by staff psychologists and then they begin administering psychoeducational test batteries to children who are referred to the Center. The students are observed during this period and receive close supervision from staff psychologists.
Once test administration competency is established, the students begin transitioning to school placements in local school districts. For the remainder of the fall semester and during the spring semester, they alternate working in the schools and working at the Center. While in the schools, the students continue to complete psychoeducational evaluations as well as structured and unstructured classroom observations; teacher interviews; cumulative file reviews; intervention design, implementation, and monitoring; and curriculum-based assessments. They also participate in school-based meetings including multidisciplinary intervention assistance team meetings, staffings, and IEP reviews.
Finally, practicum has a group supervision component. During this weekly two-hour meeting, the students hear guest speakers on a variety of topics related to the professional role of school psychologists (e.g., behavioral pediatrics, assistive technology, child abuse and mandated reporting, working with children and families following a head injury, etc.). Students also make presentations on psychoeducational evaluations they have completed (a “mock staffing”) and present a training session on a classroom intervention (behavioral or academic).
For additional information contact:
Ann Cituk, Ph.D. (
Director of Practicum Training
FSU Multidisciplinary Center
Florida State University
715 West Gaines Street
P.O. Box 1603
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1603