Abbott House

Family & Group Services
Irvington, New York

The Swan Lake Group Home is designed to provide services to 10 adolescent males ages 14-17 and is located in Sullivan County. Residents have mixed permanency-planning goals ranging from return to family to independent living. The program works with young men whose histories may include sexual trauma, offending behavior, chronic AWOL or delinquent behavior. The program offers in house social work and psychiatric services as well as community linked, mental health counseling, family therapy, independent living workshops, employment assistance, educational and career planning. The Swan Lake program provides each resident with a behavioral, modification program that encourages pro-social behavior critical to a successful return to permanency or independent living. The adolescents attend school and recreational activities in the local community.

Special placement information:
Accepting part-time MSW students.
Internship placement location: Abbott House 1775 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10543.
Travel reimbursement not available. Agency accessible by public transit.
Stipend not available.
Liability insurance not required.
Video-/Audio-taping not permitted.
Agency hours: 9:00AM-5:00PM, Monday-Friday. Evening and weekend hours available.
Intern must follow agency rules and regulations.