Accelerated Learning Solutions (ALS)

Mental Health (Youth)
Social Services

Accelerated Learning Solutions is a dropout prevention, retention and recovery program. Our schools are tuition-free, public charter high schools that work closely with local school districts to aid students, ages 16-21, who are at-risk for dropping out or have dropped out to obtain a high school diploma. Many of our students have specialized needs such as: parenting resources, mental health, substance/ alcohol misuse, homelessness, health-related needs, and other psychosocial issues that affect them obtaining their high school diploma. Our schools espouse flexible scheduling, as well as blended instructional models, combining live instruction with self-paced computer-based mastery to assist students in earning credits. Additionally, each student at our schools has access to our career services and departments that assist students with adjusting to higher education. To eliminate the barrier to services, the majority of services are offered onsite at our schools. Bus passes are also given to eligible students.
Interns at this placement would get micro, mezzo, and macro Social Work practice. Examples of micro and mezzo Social Work practice include supervised, brief individual, family, and group counseling, completing assessments, student support, participation in team or parent meetings, case management, and group psychosocial presentations. Marco Social Work occurs with community outreach efforts and networking to secure services for all students and coordinating the bi-annual social services fair to bring awareness of social service providers on site.

Special placement information:

Accepting BSW, MSW 1st-year, and MSW 2nd-year/advanced standing students. Full-time positions only.

As each region provides services to several schools in those areas, transportation is necessary. Many of our schools are near bus routes.

Most of our schools are open from 7:30AM - 5:30PM Monday - Friday. Some of our Florida schools have extended hours until 8:00PM Monday - Friday. Scheduling can be flexible as each intern will set their schedule with the field Instructor at their sites. Most times, students will remain at their assigned sites or will travel with their field supervisor.

Travel reimbursement or stipends are not available.

Verification of liability insurance is needed.

Audio/video-taping requires approval by the Director of Student Services.