Coastal Detox, Inc

Mental Health (Adult)
Substance Abuse
Stuart, Florida

The therapists in the inpatient program can be scheduled any day of the week from 8:30am to 6pm. The therapists in the outpatient program can be scheduled Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5pm. The interns in the program are seen for weekly supervision by the program's Clinical Director. The facility does not allow for audio or video taping of sessions, but interns are able to shadow other clinicians when they are working with patients. The therapists use the Kipu electronic medical record to document on the patients they work with. There is no type of monetary compensation for interns at the facility, however, interns are able to take part in the in-services/ learning opportunities provided for staff.

Special placement information:

The Agency is accepting MSW 2nd year and Advanced Standing, Clinical, and Part-time MSW.   The therapists in the inpatient program can be scheduled any day of the week from 8:30am to 6:00pm. The therapists in the outpatient program can be scheduled Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5pm. The interns in the program are seen for weekly supervision by the program's Clinical Director. The facility does not allow for audio or video taping of sessions, but interns are able to shadow other clinicians when they are working with patients. The therapists use the Kipu electronic medical record to document on the patients they work with. There is no type of monetary compensation for interns at the facility, however, interns are able to take part in the in-services/ learning opportunities provided for staff.