Emory Healthcare Veterans Program

Family & Group Services
Mental Health (Adult)
Atlanta, Georgia

Our clinic specializes in PTSD treatment of post 9/11 Veterans. We offer two programs for Veterans: a traditional OP track and also an intensive two-week program where Veterans stay at a hotel and come for individual and group therapy all day.  
As a Social Worker, we meet with the clients every day to go over everything going on in the program, research resources for Veterans (as they travel from all over the country to come to our program) and discharge planning.  Also, we help Veterans turn all documentation and prepare for the intake prior to coming for our program.  This would be a great place to learn about the treatment of Mental Health disorders [mainly PTSD, depression and anxiety disorders (but we do encounter other disorders as well)], case management services, and there is an opportunity to help with group therapy sessions.

Special placement information:
Accepting MSW 1st-year and MSW 2nd-year/Advanced Standing (clinical) students. Full- and part-time positions available.
Transportation to and from office required. No travel involved in the day-to-day work. Travel reimbursement not available. Agency accessible by public transit.
Video-/Audio-taping not permitted.
Agency hours: 8:00AM-5:00PM, Monday-Friday. Some weekend hours may be available to assist with weekend outings, if needed.
Liability insurance required.