
Gainesville, Florida

Our mission is to end homelessness. Grace is a low-barrier shelter, a housing-first PSH program, a one-stop center, and a street outreach team. Grace serves individuals over the age of 18 with varying barriers including mental illness, substance misuse, and legal history. While entering into our services individuals get assigned a case manager, The case manager will link people to possible resources, advocate for them to get the services that they need as well and assist in planning for when they are discharged. from Grace's services to maintain their housing in the community. Case managers also conduct assessments, develop case plans, and complete follow-up case notes as well as other documentation in HMIS which is our charting software.

Special Placement Information:

The Agency is accepting BSW Full-time, MSW 1st year students, MSW 2nd year and Advanced Standing Clinical Students.  The student will need transportation, in the PSH program we place people in the community and visit them regularly. They will be reimbursed for travel at .66 a mile. If the student is an employee of Grace, they will have workers' men comp and therefore will not need liability insurance. Recording is permitted on campus Only with the knowledge and permission from leadership. If video recording the guests at Grace, there is to be no recording of people without their permission. Grace is a 24/7 facility, however, the PSH program runs Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - 6:00 pm.