Lift, Inc.

Family & Group Services
Washington, Washington D.C.; Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles, California; New York, New York

LIFT empowers families to break the cycle of poverty.
We partner with high-quality early childhood organizations in each of the four cities we operate in - Chicago, D.C., Los Angeles, and New York - who refer parents and caregivers to our services. While these community institutions are focused on helping children develop and thrive, we concentrate on engaging and supporting their parents. We then work to build a strong, trusted relationship with each parent or caregiver, who LIFT refers to as our members. Each member is paired with a coach (one of LIFT's clinically trained volunteers) who works with their members to create an actionable goal plan centered around family goals. Family goals often include increasing savings and reducing debt, finding high-quality educational opportunities and securing jobs that can provide more economic stability. Through these trusted relationships, we help parents develop the personal well-being, social connections, and financial strength they need to achieve economic mobility and break the cycle of poverty for their families.

Special placement information:
Accepting MSW 1st-year and MSW 2nd-year/Advanced Standing (SL + clinical) students. Full- and part-time positions available. Also accepting part-time BSW students.
Agency hours: 9:00AM-5:00PM, local time, for each of our four regional offices. Weekend and evening hours are occasionally requested for specific family events or partnerships, which are shared with advance notice to students.