The Neuroscience Research Institute’s West Palm Beach, FL location provides treatment for mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, OCD, mood disorders, and post-traumatic stress. Our residential program offers clients comprehensive treatment for clients with multiple co-occurring mental health disorders, including issues of substance abuse or misuse. The Neuroscience Research Institute also offers partial hospitalization (PHP) and intensive outpatient (IOP) programs, to support clients with less severe behavioral health disorders.
Population Served: Adults aged 18 - 65 with primary Mental Health disorders.
Role of Social Work: Socials workers are employed under the clinical team as case managers, primary therapists, clinical leads/supervisors, as well as group facilitators, intake coordinators, and Interns.
Role of SW Intern: Assist with clinical staff, conduct intake assessments, biopsychosocial assessments, other MH assessments, assist with group facilitation, individual counseling, case management services, research/advocacy, and family therapy.
Special placement information:
Accepting BSW, MSW 1st-year and MSW 2nd-year/Advanced Standing (clinical) students. Full- and part-time positions available.
Students will need to transport themselves to the agency (no reimbursement) and Weekend Hours are available but supervision will be during the week - preferably M-F.
Expected Hours - Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm - can be tailored towards school requirements.
Is accessible by public transportation. Students must have liability insurance.
Prefer MSW students but can accept BSW