Alpenglow Clinic

Substance Abuse
Butte, Montana

Alpenglow Clinic offers substance misuse treatment to individuals that meet ASAM criteria for levels I.0 and 11.1. The services are offered to adults and adolescents of any income level. We accept numerous insurance carriers, including Medicaid of Montana. The clinic also offers Mental Health services, per our state licensure. Social Work can play a large role in this setting by offering Mental Health diagnostic services, as well as coordination with community agencies, to provide the best care for the clients.

Special placement information:
Accepting BSW, MSW 1st-year, and MSW 2nd-year/Advanced Standing (clinical) students. Full- and part-time positions available.  
Agency hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-5:00PM. There are also substance misuse groups on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6:00PM-9:00PM. Weekend hours available.
Video- and audio-taping permitted with a signed confidentiality. 
Transportation to and from agency required. Agency accessible by public transit. No travel reimbursement available.