The Phoenix Rising Centers

Providence, Rhode Island

Agency Description:

The Phoenix Rising Centers aspires to be a safe, inclusive environment. This organization was started because we saw a huge gap in care for Black, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, People of Color (BIMPoC), QTPoC, LGBTQIA+, activists, artists, those who struggle with pregnancy & postpartum and new parents as well as immigrants & refugees in our community. We seek to understand the importance of the relational field and meet those seeking services from an authentic and humble space. No longer is therapy a one way mirror where the client is just being observed; We value authenticity and show up for our clients with a deep reverence for connection. Those on our team have a deep affinity to social justice and view the complexities of our system(s) through an antiracist, feminist, intersectionality, trauma-informed, strengths-based and holistic lens; We look at how privilege & oppression-based culture comes into play into our own and our clients' lives. We carefully consider the important roles that race, culture and identity play in our lives and those of our clients.

Special Information:

This agency accepts full time MSW 2nd year/advance standing clinical track students. Students are expected to have liability insurance since they will be meeting with clients. Hours are flexible, they will need to work out which hours work for both them and their supervisors as well as with the clients they are assigned to. Audio taping in not allowed, but school supervisors can request to shadow a client session.