The Pregnancy Help and Information Center is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. We offer compassion, care, and support to men and women facing unplanned pregnancy while providing for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our clients through education and support. WE SERVE CLIENTS OF THE PROGRAM UNTIL THE CHILD IS FIVE YEARS OLD. The PHI Center offers continued confidential services and care for clients who have experienced loss and advocacy for those struggling to obtain community assistance. Social workers at PHI Center facilitate groups, work individually with clients, offer compassion, support, advocate for and, provide referrals to clients in need as well as respond to crisis situations. Social workers assess situations, document client visits, complete psychosocial assessments, and assist clients in areas related to pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. All services are free to clients; no eligibility requirements; we primarily service women between the ages of 18-26 years old.
Special Placement Information:
Agency is accepting BSW, MSW 1st Year, Full time and Part time available. Hours are Monday 12:45-8:00pm, 8:45am-6:00pm, Wednesday and Thursday 8:45am-4:00pm. Other hours offered outside of office if necessary. No audio or video taping allowed of clients or staff for confidentiality. Agency is on the bus-line. Faith-based.