Walton County School District is a public school district that serves over 10,000 students. WCSD serves students grades PK and K-12. The WCSD offers a school-based program for children who are facing multiple risk factors, including school behavior and academic performance challenges, home and family concerns, and social/emotional struggles that are impacting their functioning in the academic setting. The program utilizes a non-medical brief solution focused model while providing individual and group support. Freeport Elementary School's mission is to develop collaborative relationships among the administrators, staff, parents and students so that maximum potential will be met by every child.
Special Placement Information:
The agency is accepting MSW 2nd year and Advanced Standing Clinical Students. Student will be responsible for transporting herself to her school on the days she is scheduled, there will not be reimbursement for travel through WCSD. The student will be allowed to be earn internship hours during the regular school hours, 7:30am to 3:00pm Vido or audio taping will not be permitted.