Florida Guardian ad Litem Office

Child Welfare
Tallahassee, Florida

The Florida Guardian ad Litem Office represents abused, abandoned, and neglected children by Florida Statues and
provides proactive, child-centered, trauma-informed advocacy for their best interests, including legal interests, using a partnership of community advocates and professional staff. By statute, the guardian ad litem is responsible for representing the
child and advocating for the child's best interests in the courtroom and in other proceedings where decisions impacting the best interests of the child are being made. Using information gathered from the child, relevant records, and interviews with people in the child's life, the Guardian ad Litem team identifies the unique needs of the children in the case and provides independent advocacy to meet those needs consistent with the goals established by the Legislature for children in dependency proceedings. Examples include reunification or other permanency within a year; regular visitation with parents and siblings; appropriate and necessary assessments and services; placement in a home free from harm; reasonable, deliberate transitions; and involvement in the proceedings as appropriate. The Guardian ad Litem advocates for children 0-18 years of age as well as adults who are involved in extended foster care.

Special Placement Information:

The Agency is accepting Part-time BSW and Part-time MSW students.  Student must have their own transportation. Travel reimbursement is provided through the Guardian ad Litem Office.