Melissa Radey

Melissa Radey is a professor and Agnes Flaherty Stoops Professor in Child Welfare with the College of Social Work and is a faculty affiliate of the Florida Institute for Child Welfare. Her policy-driven research focuses on low-income families and understanding barriers to economic, social, and physical well-being. She examines disparities for those involved in public service delivery by 1.) investigating the role of informal and formal support systems in families’ survival and well-being and 2.) considering the demands and well-being of frontline workers who serve them.
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- Child Welfare
- Community Engagement
- Health/Health Disparities
- Homelessness
- Poverty
- Resilience
- Social Work Policy
- Trauma
- Well-being
- PhD, 2005, University of Texas at Austin, Social Work
- MA, 2003, University of Texas at Austin, Sociology
- MSSW, 2002, University of Texas at Austin, Social Work
- BA, 1998, University of Notre Dame, Sociology and Computer Applications
Radey, M. (in press). Network financial transfers and psychological distress among unmarried mothers. Journal of Family Issues, 29 pages.
Radey, M., Langenderfer-Magruder, L., & Schelbe, L. (2022). "Business as usual": Child protective services workers' perceptions and experiences of and responses to client-perpetrated violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37, NP2101–NP2125.
Radey, M., Langenderfer‐Magruder, L., & Brown Speights, J. (2021). “I don't have much of a choice”: Low‐income single mothers' COVID‐19 school and care decisions. Family Relations, 70, 1312-1326.
Radey, M., & McWey, L. (2019). Informal networks of low-income mothers: Support, burden, and change. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81, 953-967.
Principal Investigator. Maternity Group Homes for Young Mothers in Florida: A Mixed Methods Examination. Funded by Florida Institute of Child Welfare. Total award $50,000 for the period of June 2021–May 2022.
Principal Investigator. Influence of Social Support on Parenting and Child Outcomes. Funded by National Institute of Health (NIH): National Institute of Child Health & Development (NICHD) R03 5R03HD092706-02. Total award $153,416 for the period of May 2018–Apr 2020.
Co-Principal Investigator. Florida Study of Professionals for Safe Families. Funded by Florida Institute for Child Welfare. Total award $500,000 for the period of Sept 2015–Aug 2020. Principal Investigator: Dina Wilke.
Principal Investigator. Longitudinal Trajectories of Workplace Violence and Worker Health Among Child Protective Services Workers. Submitted to Centers for Disease Control (CDC): National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) R03 Impact Score: 10 (perfect score), Percentile: 1% Projected total award $154,000 for the period of May 2022–Apr 2024.
Melissa Radey