Sonnie Mayewski

Sonnie Mayewski is a doctoral candidate and Legacy Fellow at the Florida State University College of Social Work, and a licensed clinical social worker. She is a research assistant with the Initiative for the Advancement of Pediatric Transplant Health Research, where she has assisted with numerous projects focused on enhancing mediation adherence through asynchronous video directly observed therapy with adolescent heart transplant patients. During the first year of her PhD studies, Sonnie completed a graduate certificate program in Biomedical Entrepreneurship. Sonnie’s research interests center on technology-enabled intervention in healthcare, particularly with the families of children with special healthcare needs.
- Families of children with complex health needs
- Family-centered healthcare
- Technology integration in healthcare
- MSW, 2017, Florida State University; Social Work
- BS, 2014, Florida State University; Psychology
Mayewski, S. E. (In Progress) Family involvement as a mediator for psychosocial well-being in the healthy siblings of children with special healthcare needs. Journal TBD.
Mayewski, S. E. (In Progress) The impact of mental health diagnoses on medical adherence in pediatric solid organ transplant patients. Journal TBD.
Killian, M. O., Little, C., & Mayewski, S. E. (Under Review) Functional forms for growth of medication adherence across the posttransplant period in pediatric organ transplant recipients. Clinical Transplantation.
Killian, M. O., Little, C., & Mayewski, S. E. (In Progress). Association between classes of growth in medication adherence, patient and familial characteristics, and posttransplant health outcomes in pediatrics. American Journal of Transplantation.
Killian, M. O., Mayewski, S. E., & Gupta, D. (Revise and Resubmit). A multi-centre randomized control trial of directly observed therapy to promote medication adherence in paediatric heart transplant recipients. Cardiology in the Young.
Killian, M. O., Mayewski, S. E., Brumm, S. E., Schelbe, L., Lustria, M. L., & Gupta, D. (In progress). Patient engagement and medication consistency with adolescent heart transplant recipients. IEEE Proceedings.
Killian, M. O., Mayewski, S. E., Triplett, K., Masood, S. (Under Review). Analyzing trauma and quality of life in pediatric solid organ transplants: A dyadic study of patient and parent traumatic stress. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology.
Killian, M. O., Schelbe, L., Mayewski, S. E., Brumm, S. E., McLendon, L., Kaufmann, E. M., Beckwith, S. R., Coppola, J., Martin, E., Rackley, J., Coleman, L. A., Blanchette, H. H., Shih, R., Pietra, B., Fricker, F., & Gupta, D. (In progress). Pediatric Psychosocial Assessment Tool: An exploration of psychosocial needs, services to patients, and transplant outcomes. Journal TBD.
Mayewski, S. E., Stamp, B., Muessig, K., Adams Larsen, M., Hightow-Weidman, L. (In Progress). Factors influencing serostatus disclosure intention among young men who have sex with men living with HIV. AIDS Care
Mayewski, S.E., Brumm, S.E., Killian, M.O. (In Progress). Examining the Impact on Family scale in pediatric solid organ transplant: A systematic review. Journal TBD
Mayewski, S.E., Killian, M.O. (In Progress). Transplant social work and post-traumatic stress disorder in pediatric solid organ transplant patients. Journal TBD
Mayewski, S. E. (In progress). Is motivational interviewing effective in improving adolescent medication adherence? A review. Journal TBD.
Mayewski, S. E. (In progress). Social determinants of health as predictors of parental burnout. Maternal and Child Health Journal.
- Legacy Fellowship, Florida State University
- Biomedical Entrepreneurship Graduate Certificate Program Scholarship, Florida State University
Sonnie Mayewski