Tanya Renn

Assistant Professor, Assistant Director of Institute for Justice Research & Development
Tanya Renn

Contact Information

Office Location
University Center C2307
(850) 645-0453

Dr. Renn is an assistant professor at the College of Social Work and a faculty director at the Institute for Justice Research and Development at Florida State University. Further, Dr. Renn serves as a research scientist collaborating with colleagues at the Center for the Study and Promotion of Communities, Families, and Children to conduct research in school and foster settings throughout Leon and Gadsden counties. Dr. Renn’s primary research focuses on understanding the relational pathways that exist between stress, trauma, substance use, and well-being among marginalized populations, specifically those involved in the criminal justice system. Dr. Renn focuses on developing and adapting evidence-informed interventions that improve the health and well-being of vulnerable groups in community-based settings (i.e., prisons and jails, substance use disorder treatment settings, and schools).    

Download Full Curriculum Vitae 


  • Criminal Justice Populations
  • Addiction 
  • Trauma
  • Well-being and Health
  • Intervention Research
  • Research Design 


  • PhD, 2015, University of Louisville, Social Work
  • MSW, 2011, University of Louisville, Social Work
  • MPH, 2011, University of Louisville, Public Health
  • BS, 2007, Wofford College, Psychology

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tanya-Renn  

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=qDy24I4AAAAJ&hl=en


Renn, T., Golder, S., Higgins, G.E., Logan, T.K., & Winham, K.M. (2017). Examining the relationship between childhood victimization, health risk behaviors, and adult physical health outcomes among women on probation and parole.Journal of Correctional Healthcare, 23, 104-121. doi: 10.1177/1078345816685847

Pettus-Davis, C., Renn, T., Lacasse, J & Motley, R. (2018). Proposing a population specific intervention approach to treat trauma among men during and after   incarceration. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.doi:10.1037/men0000171 

Pettus-Davis, C., Renn, T., & Veeh, C. (2019). Intervention development study of the 5   Key Model for Reentry: An Evidence Driven Prisoner Reentry Intervention.  Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. https://doi.org/10.1080/10509674.2019.1635242

Veeh, C. A. & Renn, T. (2019). Traumatic brain injury and justice-involved youth: Assessment and intervention. In M. Vaughn, C. Salas-Wright, & D. Jackson(Eds.), International Handbook of Delinquency and Health. New York: Routledge.

Veeh, C., Renn, T., & Pettus-Davis, C. (In Press). Promoting Reentry Well Being: A novel assessment tool for individualized service assignment in prisoner reentryprograms. Social Work.

Pettus-Davis, C., Renn, T.,Lacasse, J & Motley, R. (In Press). Trauma interventions for   men releasing from incarceration: Conceptual model to guide practice and research. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.  

Brown, A., Golder, S., Renn, T., Winham, K., Higgins, G. E., & Logan, T.K. (In Press).  Attachment, coping, childhood victimization, and substance use among victimized women on probation and parole. Violence and Victims.


2019-2022  Co- Principle Investigator. Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial of Comprehensive Trauma Informed Reentry Services for Moderate to High Risk Youth Releasing from State Prisons. National Institute of Justice 2019-MU-CX-0065 ($1,197,172). 

2018-2020 Co-Investigator. Multistate Randomized Controlled Trial of the 5 Key Model for Reentry. Charles Koch Foundation    ($7,500,000).

2018-2026  Co-Investigator. A Low-Cost Randomized Controlled Trial of Therapeutic Communities and Interactive Journaling Substance Use Disorder Treatments: Research on Reductions in Recidivism and Social Spending. Laura and John Arnold Foundation. ($480,624).

February 2018. Co-Investigator. A Comparative Effectiveness Trial of Prison Based Therapeutic Communities to a Less Resource Intensive Substance Abuse Treatment Option: A Low Cost Randomized Controlled Trial. Laura and John Arnold Foundation. ($500,000)

Tanya Renn