FSU Operation Family Caregiver extends into fourth year of service

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Since the Florida State University (FSU) College of Social Work began its partnership with the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving (RCI) in 2014, the FSU Operation Family Caregiver (OFC) site has demonstrated an excellent track record for reaching out to and assisting caregivers of military veterans and service members. A large part of the site’s success is due to the enabling college environment and university setting, the supervision of clinical social worker and faculty member Margaret Ashmore, and ongoing support from FSU College of Social Work Dean Jim Clark and FSU President John Thrasher.

The three-year partnership will be continued through the coming year as RCI provides an additional year of funding to sustain the efforts the FSU OFC has made to assist veterans in Tallahassee and throughout the southeastern United States. The program has offered free, confidential caregiver coaching for more than two years, enrolling 82 caregivers in the program, and graduating 46 caregivers with certificates of completion.

Wendy TurneyThe OFC programs rely heavily upon its caregiver coaches who work directly with military caregivers to offer one-on-one training and support. FSU OFC’s Caregiver Coach and MSW alumna Wendy Turney brings first-hand personal and professional experience, which allows her to quickly develop a rapport with other military families. She is not only a trained and experienced social worker, but she knows about the losses and sacrifices that can come with military service. Wendy lost her husband, an Army pilot, in a helicopter accident during a routine training exercise.  She is personally invested in increasing the skill levels, confidence, and quality of life of the caregivers she serves.

FSU OFC is one of twelve OFC sites operating in eight states and the District of Columbia. More than 600 military caregivers across the country have been served since the program began, and it remains dedicated to providing evidence-based education and training. A recent study by the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology entitled “Operation Family Caregiver: Problem-Solving Training in Military Caregivers” shows significant results in reducing caregiver burden, depression, and health outcomes. Caregivers also reported increased life satisfaction. RCI maintains open communication with its sites and provides training, certification and ongoing technical assistance.   

“The passion and skill that Wendy and Margaret are putting into OFC are making a profound difference in the lives of military caregivers not only in Florida but across the nation,” said Laura Bauer, the national program director for Operation Family Caregiver. “From marketing and recruitment to program delivery and data collection, they both exhibit a level of dedication that is a joy to witness. I am proud to have them as members of Team OFC!”

RCI will provide up to $75,000 of financial support for the FSU Operation Family Caregiver site, which enables the FSU College of Social Work to increase the hours of Caregiver Coach Wendy Turney from part-time to full-time thereby allowing her to serve more military caregivers and their families.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017 - 02:38 PM
Last updated: Mon, 07/01/2024 - 11:03 AM