Two FSU social work students named Florida Gubernational Fellows

Gubernatorial Fellows

MSW students Cristina Batista and Jasmine Haynes will join a select group of students from public and private universities to experience the Florida Gubernational Fellows Program. This program provides a year-long immersive experience for these students in key areas of state government and on-the-job training.

Jasmine (pictured in gray), a traditional MSW student in the Social Leadership Concentration, has been been placed for her fellowship with the Department of Children and Families. She is from Summerville, South Carolina and she holds a Bachelor’s degree from Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia.

“What encouraged me to pursue the Gubernational Fellowship was a visit to the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards. One day I visited the Assistant Director Ms. Sarah Cox, to learn about ways I could fund my graduate education. After researching the program a bit, I decided to apply,” Jasmine said. “I think this program is great for social work students, especially those pursing the Social Leadership track. I have been in my placement for about a month and already I have learned so much!”

Cristina (pictured in blue), an advanced standing MSW student in the Social Leadership Concentration, will complete her fellowship in the Office of the Secretary of the Florida Department of Children and Families. Cristina is from Miami, Florida and is recently graduated from Florida State with Bachelor’s degrees in social work and creative writing. She also worked extensively with faculty member Karen Oehme, JD and the Institute for Family Violence Studies.

“This program is incredibly important for social work students interested in affecting change on a macro/policy level. Being able to work within a state department and see the kind of work that goes into making statewide changes and improvements has already been such an incredible experience,” Cristina said about the Gubernational Fellows program. “I have also learned much about the different avenues that I can pursue working on a macro level for state government, areas that I had not given thought to in the past.”

The program accepts only the best and brightest undergraduate and graduate students in Florida that have a true passion for public service. Jasmine and Cristina exemplify the kind of passion students in social work need to make an impact on the social work profession and community.

To learn more about the Gubernational Fellowship Program visit, or visit the Office of Graduation Fellowships and Awards at

Monday, December 26, 2016 - 06:35 PM
Last updated: Mon, 07/01/2024 - 11:03 AM