Social work students Spring Break 2015 in Grenada: Sun, sand and service


For Spring Break 2015, Drs. Neil Abell and Dina Wilke took ___ lucky BSW and MSW students to Grenada, West Indies for a unique international social work opportunity. The week included some time in the sun and on the beach, but consisted primarily of working directly with the organization Programme for Adolescent Mothers and the young women that it serves. Students got an immersive experience allowing them to reach out to and interact with local youths and to experience a different culture first hand. One of the students who went on the trip in 2015 was BSW student Anna Piervil who looks back on the experience and its impact

Reflections on the 2015 Alternative Spring Break Trip: Grenada, West Indies
Anna Piervil, BSW Student

Anna Piervil (center)

As a Haitian-American student, I was so excited to learn that there was a chance to go to the Caribbean for service opportunities. Many times, the islands in the Caribbean are seen as vacation spots, but not study abroad destinations. Being Haitian-American, I know how beautiful the Caribbean is with its rich culture and people, but I also know how damaged some of these countries are as well. Therefore, my experience was unique. I am driven to not only help Haiti, but also travel the West Indian Islands to begin some foundational work. I was so honored to be chosen to go to Grenada to experience a culture that is so similar to my own, and to be able to provide services to a group of underprivileged girls.

I was selected to participate in the Teen Dating Violence group. At first, I was hesitant. I had never experienced this type of violence and I knew that at a young age it may be difficult to speak about this topic or process the information. With great preparation and dedicated professors, we were all able to facilitate lessons on teen dating violence ranging from gender stereotypes, defining violence, and how to help a friend. I was amazed at how receptive, open and engaged these young ladies were. There was never a dull moment.

Anna Piervel with school children in Grenada, West Indies

Social work found me at an early age and realized that I loved helping people. Social work is much more than simply helping people; it is providing resources and services, empowering individuals, and most important to me, advocating for individuals and communities that are in need of your support. So as a student of Caribbean heritage, this trip meant the world to me. It is very difficult to find meaning and beneficial work in the West Indies at FSU, but this trip allowed me to meet my goal of continuing to travel in the Caribbean to serve these populations and enhance my knowledge of the islands. Most importantly, I was able to do what I love, social work!

I aspire to continue my education with joint degrees in social work and law so I will be equipped to fight for social policy and immigration policy. This trip gave me the unique opportunity to help adolescent mothers, speak at a local high school to over 200 students, fellowship and collaboration with my fellow peers in the College of Social Work, and to speak with local leaders and influential people in Grenada’s social work community. The alternative spring break trip is an extraordinary experience. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to emerge myself in this beautiful culture and help this beautiful young ladies.

Monday, December 26, 2016 - 07:54 PM
Last updated: Mon, 07/01/2024 - 11:03 AM