Help Prevent Dating and Sexual Violence: Join the Great Give


You can make Seminoles safer. The College of Social Work will be participating in the Great Give, FSU’s online giving campaign taking place April 18-19, 2013. This 36-hour campaign allows those who care deeply about FSU to contribute gifts to support unique projects throughout the University.

This year, the College of Social Work is seeking to raise funds for its own special project, the FSU Toolkit on Healthy Relationships, which focuses on violence prevention education and is made up of three components that will be available online and free to the public:

  1. Online Interactive Toolkit for Students. The online toolkit describes healthy relationships, dynamics of unhealthy relationships, sexual violence, consent and provides resources to students in need.
  2. Train the Trainer Component. Designed to give student leaders, residence hall assistances, housing representatives, student organizations, sororities, fraternities and athletes the tools they need to educate their peers and prevent dating and sexual violence.
  3. Group activities designed for Groups of 5-20.  Activities and interactive role plays perfect for residence hall meetings, orientation groups and student organizations.

The FSU Toolkit on Healthy Relationships is to be created by the College’s Institute for Family Violence Studies with the following goals in mind:

College students will –

Understand the components of healthy and unhealthy relationships.
Be able to define and recognize signs of dating and sexual violence.
Dispel myths about dating violence and sexual violence.
Understand how dating and sexual violence can affect LGBTQ relationships.
Know safety tips for online dating.
Understand how dating and sexual violence can affect collegiate veterans.
Help to decrease the prevalence of dating and sexual violence on campus.

To donate and support the FSU Toolkit on Healthy Relationships. visit on April 18-19, 2013.

To learn more about the Institute for Family Violence Studies visit

Thursday, December 29, 2016 - 08:16 PM
Last updated: Mon, 07/01/2024 - 11:03 AM