Carol Campbell Edwards appointed to NASW Florida leadership position

Carol Campbell Edwards

Starting in July 2018, FSU College of Social Work faculty member Carol Campbell Edwards will begin her two-year term as president of the National Association for Social Workers Florida (NASW-FL) chapter. Currently, as President-Elect, Carol will spend 12 months working in close collaboration with the President. When Carol assumes the presidency, she and fellow board members will work toward Chapter goals within the framework of NASW’s national and chapter policies, officiate as ex-officio members of Chapter committees and make up the Executive Committee. As president, Carol will also report to Florida members of NASW though the President’s Column in the Florida chapter’s newsletters and serves as the chair of the Delegates, attending the Delegate Assembly.

Carol is assuming her duties with her natural can-do attitude and infectious energy to serve Florida’s social work community. “By nature I am an optimist, which provides the perspective needed to assume a leadership role expecting to achieve positive change,” Carol explained. “Of course some uncertainty comes from realizing that it is impossible to predict all of the challenges inherent in this position. However, I am honored to work with other social workers in my new capacity, and I am prepared to advance the agenda determined by our membership.”

She notes that NASW-FL is the primary network for social workers in the region and plays an important role in the community. “From my perspective, the cornerstone of social work practice is improving the quality of life of others while respecting self-determination,” she said. “This requires action and advocacy. Those of us who are fortunate to enjoy a professional social work career must invest in strengthening the organizations that provide opportunities for our collective voices to be heard.  As the daughter of a social worker, she reflects that she learned early about the importance of professionalism and membership in professional organizations to support the social work mission of service.

One of Carol’s main reasons for getting involved in NASW was the opportunity to mentor newcomers to the profession. She noted that the connections developed through NASW allow social workers to have “a seat at the table” when legislative and organizational policies that affect the profession and the clients they serve are being developed. She also noted NASW’s role in establishing practice standards that ensure social workers remain committed to the highest standard of practice.

Some of Carol’s goals in this role include:

  • Supporting membership by addressing the expectations and priorities of the organization’s membership.
  • Engaging the 14 colleges and universities in Florida with social work programs to collaboratively work on strategic action that supports social work education and advances the profession.
  • Increasing student participation in NASW through student leadership initiatives, NASW Unit engagement, and active participation in the NASW-FL Conference.
  • Re-engaging professional social workers in the Legislative Education and Advocacy Day (LEAD).
  • Increasing communication and dialogue regarding advocacy, social change, and cultural humility.
  • Increasing awareness of NASW national and state activities.

Carol will also be supported by her fellow officers that include

  • First Vice-President: George Jacinto, Ph.D., LCSW
  • Second Vice-President for Budget and Finance: Wendy Snee, LCSW, ACSW
  • Secretary: Diane Rollo, Ph.D., LCSW
  • MSW Student Representative: Sharmaine Burr
  • BSW Student Representative: Tiffany Hodges
Thursday, August 31, 2017 - 12:22 PM
Last updated: Mon, 07/01/2024 - 11:03 AM