FSU Film Event Addresses the Concerns of Domestic Violence

No Ordinary Love FIlm Screening and Q and A on Tuesday February 21st at 6 pm flyer with images from the film of a couple's faces close up.

Florida State University will present the 2019 film, No Ordinary Love on Wednesday, February 21, 2023, to raise awareness about the dynamics and impact of domestic violence. The Domestic Violence Coordinating Council (DVCC) led the collaborative event in partnership with the Institute for Family Violence Studies at the FSU College of Social Work.

The film and Q&A will address the common question of, “Why don’t they just leave?” bringing to light the complexities behind why people do not, or cannot, leave abusive relationships.

The film will make its Tallahassee premiere at the FSU Askew Student Life Center Cinema on February 21 at 6 pm, followed by a question-and-answer (Q&A) session with domestic violence survivors Iris Davis Pendelton and Kara Holbert along with other local experts.

“Domestic violence, also called Intimate partner violence, can occur within many relationship types, including dating relationships. Regardless of the label, the impacts of domestic violence can be deadly,” said Kelly O’Rourke, DVCC director. “No Ordinary Love is a film that illustrates that even relationships that seem ‘perfect’ can be grounds for violence and abuse.”

The film event coincides with both Black History Month and Teen Dating Abuse Awareness Month, two populations that can be disproportionately affected by intimate partner violence, even though victims can come from every demographic.

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence indicates that the Black community experiences domestic violence at a higher rate than other populations, with 45.1% of Black women and 40.1% of Black men experiencing some form of violence or abuse (verbal, physical, sexual, stalking)  with a partner.

Youths and young adults are also more likely to experience intimate partner violence by the age of 24 for both sexes, with some populations, like those in the LGBTQ+ community, being at an increased risk of dating and intimate partner violence.

The DVCC and FSU hope to bring awareness to the warning signs of domestic/intimate partner violence through the screening of No Ordinary Love.

The film's executive producer, Tracy Rector, is a survivor of an abusive marriage of more than 20 years. She decided to get the film made when she realized how few of those impacted by violence seek help or are aware of local resources.

The event also seeks to help share the warning signs of abuse, which can include:

  • A partner checking your phone, email or social media without your permission.
  • Putting you down, especially in front of others.
  • Isolating you from friends and families (physically, financially, emotionally).
  • Extreme jealousy or insecurity.
  • Explosive outbursts, temper or mood swings.
  • Any type of physical harm.
  • Possessive or controlling behavior (e.g. telling you how to dress.)
  • Pressuring you or forcing sexual/physical activity.

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Thursday, February 9, 2023 - 08:38 AM
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