FSU Social Work Participants Make a Great Showing at the 2025 SSWR Conference

FSU College of Social Work (FSU CSW) participated in the 2025 Society for Social Work and Research Conference in Seattle, Washington. From January 15-19, faculty and doctoral students and affiliates from the Florida Institute for Child Welfare presented more than 40 presentations and sessions at the conference (listed below with FSU CSW participants).
The college also hosted a reception for alumni and friends to network and connect at SPIN Seattle, a ping-pong social club. Click here to see photos of the conference.
Thursday, January 16
Flash Talk: Listening to Young People in Foster Care and their Caregivers
- Moderator: Dr. Lisa Schelbe
- Moderator: Dr. Tanya Renn

- Researchers: Ngondwe Ponsiano and Dr. Gashaye Tefera
- Researcher: Dr. Gashaye Tefera
Session: The Quality Standards Assessment: Connecting Quality Care with Youth Outcomes
- Researchers: Dr. Darejan Dvalishvili, Dr. Shamra Boel-Studt, Dr. Jonathan Huefner, and Essa Sabti Samarah
Poster: Predictor Importance of Job Attributes to Burnout in Child Welfare Workers
- Researchers: Dr. Lauren Stanley, Dina Wilke, Dr. Melissa Radey and Dr. Lisa Magruder
- Speaker/Presenter: Dr. Bruce Thyer
Friday, January 17
Flash Talk: Resilience and Prevention, Trauma, and Systems of Care
- Moderator: Dr. Tanya Renn
Flash Talk: Unpacking Social Determinants of Health: Barriers, Disparities, and Community Voices
- Moderator: Dr. Tanya Renn

Poster An Evaluation of Advanced Certification Training for Child Welfare Professionals
- Researchers: Dr. Shamra Boel-Studt, Esaa Samarah, Lauren Herod, Dr. Darejan Dvalishvili and Dr. Vivian Mills
- Researcher: Sanoop Valappanandi
- Researchers: Dr. John Moore and Dr. Tanya Renn
Poster: Navigating Together: Advancing U.S. Global Social Work Education during COVID-19 and Beyond
- Researchers: Beth Okantey, Dr. Neil Abell and Emily Joyce
- Dr. Tanya Renn and Dr. John Moore
Session: Community Perceptions of Anthropogenic Climate Change in the Indian Lakshadweep Archipelago
- Researcher: Sanoop Valappanandi
- Researcher: Lisa Jackson
Special Interest Group Meeting: Research on Social Work Journal
- Convener: Dr. Bruce Thyer
Special Interest Group Meeting: South Asian Social Work Educator's Association
- Convener: Sanoop Valappanandi
Saturday, January 18
Flash Talk: Innovative Interventions in Social Work: From Technology to Therapy
- Moderator: Dr. Michael Killian
Poster: Is Substance Use Problem Recognition Influenced By the Type of Substance Use Disorder?
- Research: Dr. John Moore
Poster: State Policy Variations in Childcare Subsidies and Physical Intimate Partner Violence
- Dr. Bart Klika

- Researcher: Manjun Kim
Session: Dealing with Difficult Cases: Advice Experienced Caseworkers Would Tell Newly-Hired Colleagues
- Dr. Lauren Stanley, Dr. Jiwan Nam-Speers, Sophia Lutz, Michae Cain and Dr. Dina Wilke
- Researchers: Dr. Amy L. Ai and Dr. John Moore
Session: Development of an Ontology of Social Determinants of Health for Pediatrics
- Researchers: Zhe Yang and Dr. Michael Killian
- Researchers: Sonnie Mayeski and Dr. Michael Killian
- Researcher: Beren Crim Sabuncu
- Researchers: Dr. Michael Killian, Sonnie Mayewski and Schyler Brumm
Session: Persistent Impacts of Client Violence: Emotional Health Among Child Protective Services Workers
- Researchers: Dr. Melissa Radey and Dr. Dina Wilke
Session: Pre-Transplant Psychosocial Assessment and Preparing Families for Pediatric Organ Transplantation
- Researchers: Schyler Brumm, Dr. Michael Killian, Dr. Lisa Schelbe and Sonnie Mayewski
- Researchers: Dr. Amy L. Ai and Dr. Yaacov Petscher
- Researchers: Katrina Boone and Dr. Amy L. Ai
- Dr. Gashaye Tefera and Ngondwe Ponsiano
Session: The Protective Impact of Childcare Subsidies on the Emotional Neglect of Children
- Researcher: Dr. Bart Klika
Special Interest Group Meeting: Scholars Across Anthropology and Social Work
- Researcher: Sanoop Valappanandi

- Organizer: Dr. Michael Killian
Symposium: The Context of Substance Use and Mental Health in Diverse Populations
- Symposium Organizer: Dr. Amy L. Ai, Ph.D
- Discussant: Dr. Bruce Thyer
Workshop: Developing and Integrating Shiny Apps into Social Work Research and Evaluative Efforts
- Organizer/Presenter: Sonnie Mayewski
Sunday, January 19
Poster: Perspectives of Parental Engagement in Child Welfare: Voices of Parents and Frontline Workers
- Researchers: Dr. Vivian Mills and Dr. Darejan Dvalishvili
Poster: Substance Use Treatment Among Veterans: Self-Help's Impact before, during, or Both
- Researcher: Dr. John Moore
- Researchers: Dr. Amy L. Ai and Katrina Boone
- Researchers: Dr. Vivian Mills and Lisa Magruder
- Researcher: Sanoop Valappanandi