The Alabama Department of Public Health is a state agency with county health departments in 66 of the 67 counties in Alabama. The Department works closely with the community to protect the public's health and provide services to individuals and their families. Licensed public health social workers provide case management and care coordination, including psychosocial assessments, individualized service plans, linkage with resources, patient support, and evaluation of service delivery. Services are provided to individuals that are newborn all the way to senior adults.
Special placement information:
Accepting BSW, MSW 1st-year, and MSW 2nd-year/Advanced Standing (social leadership) students. Full-time positions only.
Transportation may be needed depending on the practicum placement. No stipend or travel reimbursement available.
Liability insurance required.
In some instances video and audio may be permitted, however, video and audio are not allowed in the county health department clinics.
Agency open Monday-Friday and closed for Alabama state holidays.
Students will need to request field placement through the local county health department.