Charlotte County Public Schools

School Social Work
Port Charlotte, Florida

School social workers provide intervention services to meet the needs of students, families, and school staff. All of the services provided by this team of professionals are coordinated with school staff and are specifically targeted for student success. Services include but are not limited to attendance and truancy intervention, classroom support services and character education, short-term individual and group counseling, individualized support services, community agency collaboration and referrals, staff consultation, dropout prevention, and retrieval activities, assistance to homeless students and families, crisis intervention, including suicide risk assessments, threat management, and crisis response to traumatic events, pre-disposition reports for students recommended for expulsion.

Special placement information:

Accepting MSW 1st-year and MSW 2nd-year/Advanced Standing (SL + clinical) students. Full- and part-time positions available. The Agency is accepting BSW Full time, MSW 1st year students, MSW 2nd year and Advanced Standing Clinical Students, Part-time BSW, and Part-time MSW.  Due to the lack of public transportation, students will need to provide a stable means of transportation. Pay and/or stipends are unavailable for students. Liability insurance is recommended, but not required. Video and audio taping will only be permitted with signed parent permission. Hours vary by location (6:30 am - 3:00 pm; 7:30 am - 4:00 pm; 8:30 am - 5:00 pm). Some hours may be completed after hours if preapproved. Student programming is available all year long, therefore an opportunity for summer hours exists.