This field placement is an internship in the area of child and family welfare with the Office of Criminal conflict and Civil Region Counsel, 4th district – “RC4.” RC4 is a state agency in South Florida that provides legal defense representation to indigent persons in a wide array of constitutional and statutory actions, with one of its primary practice areas being the representation of parents in dependency court proceedings. The Social Service Unit at RC4 was created to enhance the legal representation being provided to parents during dependency proceedings. The MSW intern will be placed in an interdisciplinary setting as an integral member of RC4’s legal team working to support the client’s rights and enhancing the legal support asserted on the client’s behalf in dependency proceedings. A field placement in this setting would allow for the development of the intern’s clinical and interpersonal skills through activities such as : conducting independent client assessments , interfacing with the state’s Department of Children and Families and other Community-Based Care providers, assisting attorneys to promote plans for services well-tailored to the client’s needs and betterment, monitoring and assisting the client’s progress throughout a case, and advocating for the client’s interests in variety of settings and forums. This field placement would also most likely deepen and expand an intern’s knowledge of the judicial sub system and local resources, as well as provide experiences in clinical areas such as substance abuse, mental illness and trauma. A student chosen for this field placement would need to exhibit strong communications skills, the ability to work collaboratively in a dynamic team setting, and a shared commitment to a client -centered legal representation model.
Special Information:
Full-Time positions available for MSW 1st Yr. Students & MSW 2nd Yr. Advance Standing Students; Clinical . Part-Time positions also available for MSW Students. RC4 has two offices that have Social Service Units and are able to house social work interns. They are in Palm Beach County (West Palm Beach) and Broward County (Ft. Lauderdale).