Family First Adolescent Services

Mental Health (Adult)
Substance Abuse
Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Family First Adolescent Services is an innovative treatment center for Mental Health and substance use in adolescent males.  
We treat clients 13-17, that are experiencing substance use issues and Mental Health problems.  Clients receive schooling in our programs as well and each client has an education case manager that is in contact with their home school.  Our clinical approach is intensive and diverse.  Our 5-in-7 methodology ensures that clients entering our program receive five 56 individual therapy sessions with their primary therapist in the first seven days of treatment, none being assessments.  Family First counselors have a limited caseload of five clients to provide the best and most attentive care for clients and their families.  Family members benefit from our Parent Interaction Program, a three day process-driven family program that includes Experiential Group Therapy such as psychodrama or role-playing, and expressive art therapy.

Special placement information:
Accepting MSW 1st-year and MSW 2nd-year/Advanced Standing (clinical) students. Full- and part-time positions available.
Travel reimbursement not available.
Liability insurance not required.
Video-taping not permitted. Audio-taping permitted.
Agency hours: 24/7. Agency not accessible by public transit.