Health and Hope Clinic

Pensacola, Florida

Health and Hope Clinic is a 501-C3, non-profit established in 2003 as a free and charitable clinic providing primary care, specialty care, dental, health education, full pharmacy, and mental health services. All services are provided at NO cost to the patients. This is a volunteer-based clinic with over 250 volunteer doctors, dentists, nurses, etc. Health and Hope Clinic's population served are between 18-64 years old, since this is the population that is not automatically covered by the state. The clinic's mission is to provide "health and hope" to the hurting and underserved. The Social Work students will be interviewing patients for services and will be working closely with casework, referrals and identifying ways to address the WHOLE planet. 

Tasks and responsibilities of intern will include interviewing patients, learning the database, working in our intake department, and vetting patients for services. They will cross-train with our case work department, learn how to do referrals, and screen for mental health evaluations. Interns will conduct iPad surveys uncovering the social determinants of new patients and enter into the database for tracking purposes. Interns will also follow up with all referrals, ensuring quality control as our health navigator of mental health patients.

Special placement information:
Accepting BSW, MSW 1st-year, MSW 2nd-year/Advanced Standing (clinical) students. Full- and part-time positions available.
Agency hours: 8:00AM-5:00PM, Monday - Friday. 5:00-8:00PM, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Agency accessible by public transit and is next door to a food bank, showers, etc. Opportunities to do projects at home will be available, as well as weekend health fairs will be on-going opportunities. Student will need to be able to get to the clinic weekly and as much as possible. Student will need to provide "regular" hours of availability.