Pierce County Aging & Disability Resources provides in-home services to elderly and disabled Pierce County residents in the State of Washington. We serve ages 18 and above. Our services include assessment of needs, caregiving services, home delivered meals, environmental modifications, specialized and durable medical equipment, personal emergency response systems, as well as other needed services. Our case managers/social workers conducted annual assessment with clients, identify needs and work with contracted vendors to arrange the needed in-home services. Our clients are Medicaid-eligible.
Special Placement Information:
Agency is accepting MSW 1st year students, MSW 2nd year and Advanced Standing Clinical Students, Part-time MSW. Our work does include home visits and staff use their own vehicles for the home visits. Mileage is reimbursed at the IRS rate. We do not have an available stipend. Video and audio taping is not permitted unless authorized by the client due to HIPAA protections. Our agency is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Pacific Standard time. We do not have weekend hours. The agency is accessible by bus, and we have lots of free parking outside of the building.