Right Path Behavioral Health Services

Mental Health (Adult)
Mental Health (Youth)
Jacksonville, Florida 32208

Right Path Behavioral Health Services (RPBH) provides outpatient mental health services to residents of Clay and Duval Counties whom are covered by Medicaid health insurance. RPBH services clients ages 5+ in a field-based platform; we work as an agency to eliminate the barrier of transportation. As such. we provide services in schools. homes. and various other places in the community to best meet the needs of the clients. We provide the following services: Outpatient Mental Health Counseling. Targeted Case Management. Psychosocial Rehabilitation. and Psychiatric Care. During the course of this internship. the supervisee will be able to gain experience throughout all departments within the agency as to provide a well-rounded presentation of all that community mental health entails.

BSW, MSW (1st year, 2nd year, Advanced Standing Students), Clinical, Part-Time or Full-time.

For this placement. the student will need to supply his or her own transportation as well as a personal cell phone. At this time. there is no stipend or travel reimbursement available. Right Path Behavioral Health Services is open from 8AM-5PM Monday - Friday. For this position. the student will need his or her own personal liability insurance.