Headway Emotional Health

Family & Group Services
Richfield, Minnesota

Case management are services that are coordinated with the family community support services an are designed to help the child with severe emotional disturbance and the child's family obtain needed Mental Health services, social services, educational services, health services, vocational services, recreational services, and related services in the areas of volunteer services, transportation, and legal services. 
Case management services include assisting in obtaining a comprehensive diagnostic assessment, if needed, developing a functional assessment developing an individual family community support plant, and assisting the child and the child's family in obtaining needed services by coordination with other agencies and assuring continuity of care.  Case managers must assess and reassess the delivery, appropriateness, and effectiveness of services over time.  

Special placement information:
Accepting MSW 1st-year students. Full-time positions only. 
Transportation and car insurance required. Intern will need to drive for the job.  Travel reimbursement available.
Liability insurance not required. 
The hours of case management are called a flex 40.  We discuss this in orientation, the hours of the case management days are based on the needs of the clients.  We ask that case managers are available at least two nights per week, M-F.  No weekends are required but the case manage can choose to work on the weekends if preferred.