Multiple Social Workers are employed with the Area Agency on Aging of the South Alabama Regional Planning Commission, whose mission is to promote the dignity and independence of older persons through advocacy and by overseeing the development of a comprehensive and coordinated system of care that is responsive to the needs and preferences of older people and their caregivers. We do this by both providing certain services through our office and by contracting with communities agencies. Services provided by our agency that provide opportunities for social work internships include caregiver services, Aging & Disability Resource Center (person-centered information, assistance and referral), Elderly & Disabled Medicaid Waiver case management and the Long Term Ombudsman program. Population served are persons age 60 and older and persons with disabilities.
Special placement information:
Agency accepting BSW, MSW 1st-year, and MSW 2nd-year/advanced standing (SL + clinical) students). Full- and part-time positions available.
We have agency vehicles for work-related travel and reimbursement for work-related travel with the use of personal vehicles.
We are a hub for the bus service for persons needing public transportation to come to our office to report to work.
No stipend available.
Universities typically provide some screening and liability insurance.
Video/audio-taping not permitted.
No evening or weekend work.