Seraaj Family Homes, Inc.

Child Welfare
Montgomery, Alabama

Seraaj Family Homes is a licensed child placing Agency based in Montgomery, AL with teams based throughout the State of Alabama, as well as teams in Maryland and Virginia. The Agency provides services to children and families in Therapeutic Foster Care ranging from birth to age 21. Many of the children and youth are medically fragile and some have complex medical needs in which we ensure our foster parents and employees are thoroughly trained. The Agency serves a diverse population of clients, prepares them for Case Management (Case Manager), and compliance of foster homes (Licensing Social Worker).  

The student Intern is trained on how to effectively provide services, bill Medicaid, link clients to community resources, effectively document client contact, and ensure foster homes are legally compliant to accept children. The Agency also provides services to biological families in which the ultimate goal is family preservation or reunification.

Undergraduate and graduate level Social Work interns receive training that prepares them for Case Management (Case Manager) and compliance of foster homes (Licensing Social Worker). The
student intern is trained on how to effectively provide services, bill Medicaid, link clients to community resources, handle crises, navigate through an electronic health records system that houses all client and foster parent records, effectively document client contact, and ensure foster homes are legally compliant so children may be placed in the homes. Student interns may also be tasked to conduct research on various topics and facilitate a training concerning that topic. They may also participate in company-events, such as foster parent orientations and foster parent meetings.  Graduate level interns are able to shadow licensed master leveled licensed clinicians on counseling sessions . Graduate level interns also receive training on completing treatment plans and other  assessments.

Special placement information:

Accepting BSW and MSW students.