Grace Medical Home

Mental Health (Adult)
Orlando, Florida

Grace Medical is a Primary and Specialty care clinic, which is non-profit. 
We serve the working, uninsured who are at below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level and live in Orange County. 
Grace has over 2300 patients and is served by paid staff, volunteer staff, and interns.  Grace serves ages 0-64.  In addition to Primary Medical care, Grace also has over 20 specialists including psychology and Mental Health providers.
Grace is privately funded and receives no government money.  Our yearly budget is nearly 1.9 million. 
Provider visits are by appointment only and patients pay a small facility fee, usually $10 per visit.  Grace has its own lab, X-Ray, and medication dispensary. 
Grace is multi-cultural in both the staff and its patients. 
The Medical Social work Department oversees secondary referrals, resources, intake and eligibility, psychiatric and mental behavioral health services and patient advocacy.

Special placement information:
Accepting BSW, MSW 1st-year, and MSW 2nd-year/Advanced Standing (clinical) students. Full- and part-time positions available.
Transportation to facility required. Agency accessibly by public transit. Travel reimbursement available.
Agency hours: 8:00AM=5:00PM, Monday-Friday. Evening hours sometimes available.
Liability insurance required.