Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Sarasota

Social Services
2688 Fruitville Rd. Sarasota, FL 34237

JFCS provides a broad range of counseling and social services to individuals of all ages, including children, adults, and seniors, as well as families. Counseling is provided via individual, couple, family, and group modalities, based on client need.  Services are provided at several sites, including the main agency location, a satellite office (Northport/Venice) and several elementary and middle schools.  Home visits are also provided, based on client need.

Special Information: 

BSW & MSW 1st & 2nd year & Advanced Standing; Clinical; Full-time & Part-time positions available. Students are required to have transportation (bus transportation if very limited), liability insurance, and to be available  for certain required meetings during the day (e.g. supervision, monthly all staff meetings).  JFCS is open Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm, and Wednesday and Thursday 9:30am – 8:00pm.  Audio taping is permitted in some programs.  In addition to weekly staff clinical meetings, interns also participate in a weekly meeting specifically for interns.