Karen Keroack honored for more than 28 years as a social work educator


At the conclusion of the spring 2014 semester the College of Social Work will bid farewell to long-time faculty member Karen Keroack.  For over 28 years Karen has served as an invaluable member of the faculty, acting as an instructor and area coordinator for the Gainesville Part-Time MSW Program.

On January 31st the College held a special brunch reception in her honor at the Sweetwater Branch Inn in Gainesville, Florida.  Many of Karen’s coworkers, students, friends and family were in attendance.  Dean Nick Mazza and MSW Program Director Craig Stanley and Director of Field Education Katrina Boone spoke a few words in honor of Karen’s contributions to the College and to social work education.

Jim Akin, executive director of the National Association of Social Workers Florida Chapter (NASW-FL) presented Karen with a special recognition award from NASW-FL for her lifetime achievement to the social work profession in Florida Bill Spivey, President of the NASW Gainesville Chapter spoke of her commitment to the chapter and to social work education.  He acknowledged her success and indicated the chapter was naming the NASW-FL Gainesville Unit’s Social Work Educator of the Year Award after her. Charlotte Bassett of North Florida and South Georgia Veterans Health System spoke of her accomplishments and also honored her by naming an internal VA intern award after her, called the “Karen Keroack ‘Find Your Passion’ Social Work Recognition Award.’ This award is to be annually presented to a former VA MSW intern who exemplifies a passion to serve, good ethics, positivity, and excellent customer service.

A memory board was also set up so that reception guests could write and post personal notes, memories and well wishes for Karen.

“I wanted to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for attending the absolutely beautiful reception in Gainesville. It was quite meaningful to me and I was honored to have all of you with me, supporting me, as I leave a position I have loved for the past 28 years. I appreciate all the kind and thoughtful words spoken and I love the handmade vase with ‘Nole flowers!” Karen said about the reception and well wishes. “I will deeply miss FSU College of Social Work!”

Tuesday, December 27, 2016 - 09:31 PM
Last updated: Mon, 07/01/2024 - 11:03 AM