Tomi Gomory

Tomi Gomory is an associate professor, social work clinician and co-author of “Mad Science: Psychiatric Coercion, Diagnosis, and Drugs,” (2013) a book that closely reviews psychiatry and critiques its efforts to address mental health using a medical model. His research examines the conventionally accepted use of coercion in social services, the impact of the use of force on users of social services and the ethical impacts on helping professions. His teaching and expertise also include international social work, mental health and substance use, social policy, research methods and homelessness.
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- Homelessness
- International Social Work
- Mental Health
- Mental Health & Substance Abuse
- Philosophy of Science
- Research Methods
- Social Policy
- Social Work Practice
- PhD, 1998, University of California at Berkeley; Social Welfare
- MSW, 1986, New York University; Social Work
- BS, 1970, New York University; History and Education
Gomory, T., Gromer, J., Groton, D., Stephens, S. G., Harris, R., & Duncan, M. (2019). Client Perception and Utilization of an Innovative "One Stop" Service Center for People Experiencing Homelessness: A Mixed-Methods Case Study. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 21, 1-20.
Gomory, T., & Dunleavy, D. J. (2018). Social Work and Coercion. Encyclopedia of Social Work, 23.
Gomory, T., Dunleavy, D., & Lieber, A. (2017). Solving Problems in Everyday Living (SPIEL) model: Towards a de-medicalized, education-based approach to "mental health.". Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1-20. doi:10.1177/0022167817722430
Gromer, J. M., Campbell, M. H., Gomory, T., & Maynard, D. M. (2013). Sexual prejudice among Barbadian university students. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services. 25(4), 399-419
Gomory, T. (2013). The limits of evidence-based medicine and its application to mental health evidence-based practice. (Part Two): Assertive Community Treatment assertively reviewed. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, 15(2), 73-86.
Gomory, T. (2013). The limits of evidence-based medicine and its application to mental health evidence-based practice. (Part One). Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, 15(1), 18-34.
Gomory, T., Cohen, D., & Kirk, S. A. (2013). Madness or mental illness? Revisiting historians of psychiatry. Current Psychology, 32, 119-135. doi:10.1007/s12144-013-9168-3
Gomory, T., Wong, S. E., Cohen, D., & Lacasse, J. R. (2011). Clinical social work and the biomedical industrial complex. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 38(5), 135-165.
Kirk, S. A., Gomory, T., & Cohen, D. (2013). Mad Science: Psychiatric coercion, diagnosis, and drugs. Rutgers, NJ: Transaction Publishers.
Gomory, T. (Principle Investigator). Florida State University, The Renaissance Community Project: A Model of Community Reintegration. Funded by Beatitude Foundation. ($72,000) 2013–2013.
Gomory, T. (Principal Investigator). Central And Eastern Europe: Social Issues In New Emerging Democracies. A Faculty Development Initiative Of The ACC International Academic Collaborative, Florida State University. ($70,000). 2008.
Gomory, T. (Principal Investigator).The relevance of clinical social work to mental health service provision in Hungary. United States Department of State. ($20,000). 2005-2006.
Gomory, T. (Co-Principal Investigator). Florida Department of Children & Families Mental Health Program Office Adult Mental Health Self-Directed Care Program Pilot in District 4. Florida State University ($494,597). 2002-2003.
Gomory, T. (Co-Principal Investigator). Evaluation of TANF Outcomes for the Florida Department of Children & Families. Florida State University ($110,000). 2000-2002.
Tomi Gomory