Bruce Thyer

Distinguished Research Professor
Bruce Thyer

Contact Information

Office Location
University Center C3411
(850) 645-4792

Dr. Bruce Thyer is an LCSW in Florida and Georgia and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. His professional interests include promoting evidence-based practice, outcome evaluation of social work practice and clinical theory. He is the editor of the journal Research on Social Work Practice and co-edits the Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. He is a fellow of the Society for Social Work Research, the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare and the America Psychological Association.

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  • Intervention Research
  • Research Design/Methods


  • PhD, 1982, University of Michigan, Social Work & Psychology
  • MA, 1979, University of Michigan, Psychology
  • MSW, 1978, University of Georgia, Social Work
  • BSc, 1976, University of Maryland, Psychology

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Thyer, B. A. (2022).  Tips and tricks: Teaching scholars how to publish articles in English language social work journals. China Journal of Social Work, 15(1), 68-85. 

Breaux, H. P. & Thyer, B. A. (2021). Transgender theory for contemporary social work practice: A question of values and ethics.  Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics 18(1), 72-89. 

Thyer, B. A. (2022). What is evidence-based practice?  In K. Corcoran & L. Rapp-McCoy (Eds.).  Social Workers’ Desk Reference  (4th edition, pp. 693-700). Oxford University Press. 

Thyer, B. A. (2022). Evaluating our effectiveness in carrying out evidence-based practice. In K. Corcoran & L. Rapp-McCoy (Eds.).  Social Workers’ Desk Reference (4th edition, pp. 734-742). Oxford University Press. 

Thyer, B. A. (2022).  Cognitive restructuring techniques.  In K. Corcoran & L. Rapp-McCoy (Eds.).  Social Worker's Desk Reference (4th edition. Pp. 471-478).  Oxford University Press. 

Thyer, B. A. Social Anxiety Disorder. (2022). In. K. Corcoran & L. Rapp-McCoy (Eds.).  Social Workers’ Desk Reference (4th edition, pp. 407-413). Oxford University Press. 

Thyer, B. A. (2022). Pseudoscientific behavioral and mental health treatments. In K. Corcoran & L. Rapp-McCoy (Eds.).  Social Workers’ Desk Reference (4th edition, pp. 1065-1072).  Oxford University Press. 

Thyer, B. A. (2022).  Assessment and treatment for Specific Phobias. In K. Corcoran & L. Rapp-McCoy (Eds.). Social Workers’ Desk Reference (4th edition, pp. 1007-1016). Oxford University Press. 


Thyer, B. A. & Pignotti, M. (2015).  Science and pseudoscience in social work practice.  New York:  Springer Publishing Company.

Royse, D., Thyer, B. A. & Padgett, D. K. (2016).  Program evaluation:  An evidence-based approach (6th edition).   Belmont, CA:  Cengage.

Figley, C. F., Yarvis, J. & Thyer, B. A. (2020).  Combat social work.  Oxford University Press.

Bruce Thyer