Henry Carretta

Contact Information
Dr. Carretta is a research methodologist specializing in analyzing large secondary databases. He conducts health services research, public health systems and services research, and public health law research. Prior to joining the College of Medicine, Dr. Carretta was Medicare Research Director at the Veterans Affairs Information Resource Center. Prior to that, he was an Instructor and Adjunct Professor for the Department of Health Administration and the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at Virginia Commonwealth University from 1999 to 2009.
Areas of Focus
- Program evaluation for state and federal agencies, e.g. Florida Department of Health and the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration
- Disparities and differences in access to care and service utilization among children and adults with chronic conditions, e.g. adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Epidemiology of chronic health conditions, e.g. autism, Alzheimer’s disease and asthma
- Impact of public health laws and regulations on primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
- Disparities and differences in the quality of care delivered in facilities and ambulatory settings.
BA, 1974, University of Virginia; Psychology
MPH, 1999, Eastern Virginia Medical School; Epidemiology
PhD, 2008, Virginia Commonwealth University; Health Services Organization & Research
Henry Carretta