Karen Oehme

Research Associate
Karen Oehme

Contact Information

Office Location
University Center C2309
(850) 644-6303
Resume / CV

Karen Oehme is a research associate and Distinguished University Scholar with the College of Social Work and is the director of the FSU Institute for Family Violence Studies.  Her research and the mission of the institute center around addressing domestic and intimate partner violence, trauma, and resilience, child welfare, and family law and social work issues. She is currently also the Chair of the global Academic Resilience Consortium (academicresilience.org).  

Under her leadership, the institute has developed a portfolio of professional certifications on trauma and resilience as well as human trafficking (https://learningforlife.fsu.edu/professional-development/).In addition, FSU established the FSU Student Resilience Project under Oehme's leadership (Strong.FSU.edu). It is now a national model for resilience support on college campuses.


  • Child Welfare
  • Domestic Violence 
  • Trauma and Resilience across the Lifespan
  • Family Law and Social Work


  • JD, 1987, Florida State University
  • BA, 1983, Florida Atlantic University; Communication

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=TtLFjw8AAAAJ&hl=en  


John L. Blackburn Award for Solutions to Campus Problems, American Association of University Administrators (2019).

Awarded for FSU's Student Resilience Project.


Ray, E. C., Oehme, K., Perko, A., Arpan, L., Clark, J., & Bradley, L. (2021). Freshmen Anxiety and COVID-19: Practical Implications from an Online Intervention for Supporting Students Affected by Health Inequities. Journal of American College Health, 1-10. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2021.1965610

Prost, S. G., Saunders, D., & Oehme, K. (2020). Childhood family violence and officer responses to officer-involved domestic violence: Effects of cumulative and resolve trauma. International Journal of Police Science and Management, 1-14.doi:10.1177/1461355720907641

Oehme, K., O'Rourke, K., & Bradley, L. (2020). Online virtual supervised visitation during COVID-19 pandemic: One state's experience. Family Court Review, 59, 131-143.Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1111/fcre.12555

Ray, E. C., Arpan, L., Oehme, K., Perko, A., & Clark, J. (2020). Examining the implementation of a universal approach to student resilience. Journal of Higher Education Management, 35, 4-15.

Ferraro, A., Oehme, K., Waldick, I., & Stern, N. (2020). Improving court-mandated divorce education by recognizing the effects of parents' childhood trauma. Pace Law Review, 40,273-308. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.pace.edu/plr/vol40/iss1/6


Florida Department of Children and Families, $150,000 for the Clearinghouse on Supervised Visitation (2020-2022)

Office of the State Court Administrator, $75,000 for Advanced Domestic Violence Studies for Judges (2020)

Florida Institute of Child Welfare, $988,000 for Strength, Trauma, and Resilience Training: Advanced Certification (2021-2022)

Office of the State Courts Administrator, $315,000 Advanced Domestic Violence Training for Judges (2022-2023)

Karen Oehme