Alumni & Friends

Speech by Captain Páula Clark, Fall Graduation Reception (December 11th, 2015)

Dean Clark, faculty and staff, family and friends of graduates, and ladies and gentlemen of Florida State University Class of 2015, I am honored and grateful to be with you today for your commencement, here at one of the finest universities in the world that has one of the best social work programs with the most dedicated staff and professors.

Today I want to share with you about following your heart and climbing your mountain.

Doctoral candidate Leah Cheatham to join University of Alabama faculty

I am both thrilled and honored to be joining the faculty at the University of Alabama School of Social Work. I was drawn to the University of Alabama because of my interests in working within a public university with strong community ties, excellent support for research, and a strong commitment to students. The warm reception from faculty, staff, and students during my visit to Tuscaloosa sealed the deal.

Doctoral Candidate Stephanie Kennedy to join University of Connecticut faculty

University of Connecticut (UConn) was my top choice because of the School of Social Work faculty’s history of social activism and community-engaged research. I can’t wait to build relationships with faculty and students across the UConn campus and in the greater Hartford community as we all work to help clients recognize the strength of their own voice, empower themselves as agents, and envision a different way forward for themselves and their families.

Social work professor named fellow of national society

Karen Randolph, a professor in the Florida State University College of Social Work, has been named a member of the 2016 class of fellows of the Society for Social Work and Research.

The distinction recognizes members of the society who have furthered its mission — to advance, disseminate and translate research that addresses issues of social work practice and policy and promotes a diverse, equitable and just society.

Why neuroscience needs social work perspectives

On February 10, 2016 the FSU College of Social Work hosted a presentation by Robert Walker, MSW, LCSW, Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science at the University of Kentucky Center on Drug and Alcohol Research. Walker’s joint appointment in social work and psychiatry gives him a unique perspective on the intersection of the “hard” sciences like neuroscience and the “soft” approaches of social work and the human behavioral sciences.