Faculty & Research

Preventing adolescent depression in rural communities

With research indicating that the early stage symptoms of depression emerge in early adolescents there is a strong need for early intervention, according to Assistant Professor Dr. La Tonya Noël.

“”It is when these symptoms are not addressed at this stage that it progresses to Major Depressive Disorder, which can be a lifelong struggle,” Dr. Noël stressed. “So all the research basically indicates that it’s best to intervene early to prevent this.”

Rushing to prescribe: Antidepressants and grieving parents

Some doctors are too quick to prescribe antidepressants to parents who have suffered the death of a child either during pregnancy or within the first month of life, according to a study conducted by Florida State University researcher Jeffrey R. Lacasse.

In a study of 235 bereaved parents participating in an online support community, Lacasse found that 88 — or 37.4 percent — of them were prescribed a psychiatric medication to help them cope. Some women received prescriptions within a week of losing their children.

Domestic violence resources made available to Puerto Rico’s law enforcement

The Institute for Family Violence Studies in Florida State University’s College of Social Work has partnered with the Center for Public Safety Innovation at St. Petersburg College to create a Spanish-language version of an online training program to prevent domestic violence in the homes of law enforcement officers.

The Spanish-language online training went live March 17 and is free to all law enforcement agencies in Puerto Rico.

2014 Spring Convocation celebrates a new generation of social workers

The College of Social Work celebrated the graduation of its spring 2014 graduates with the annual convocation ceremony on Friday, May 2, 2014.  Associate Dean of Academics Dr. Dina Wilke presided over the ceremony, acting in Dean Nick Mazza’s stead.  Students from all levels, BSWs, MSWs and doctoral students were in attendance along with hundreds of family members and friends to celebrate their accomplishments.

Law Enforcement Families Partnership receives its fifth Prudential Productivity Award

For the fifth year running the Law Enforcement Families Partnership, a vital part of the FSU College of Social Work’s Institute for Family Violence Studies, was awarded a Prudential Productivity Award. The partnership was honored, along with other recipients, at an awards luncheon on June 3, 2014 at Florida State. The awards recognize state employees and organizations for work productivity and innovation that improves state services and saves Florida taxpayers and businesses money.

Longtime director of the Multidisciplinary Center retires

At the end of July, Dr. Beverly Atkeson will retire from her position as the director of the College of Social Work’s Louise R. Goldhagen Evaluation and Consulting Center (The Multidisciplinary Center or MDC).  Dr. Atkeson joined the MDC in 1983 as a psychologist after serving as an assistant professor at the University of Georgia. She became the director of the MDC in 1996.