Convocation 2016 celebrates social work spring graduates and College of Social Work award recipients

Jasmine Haynes

The College of Social Work convocation ceremony took place on April 29, 2016 in the Oglesby Union Ballrooms, presided over by Dean Jim Clark. Student representative and MSW graduate Jasmine Haynes spoke on behalf of her fellow graduates offering four key lessons she learned during her time at FSU. Jasmine said in her speech:

“Number one, every experience in life is not going to be what we expect it to…and we should seek to make the best of each and every experience.

Number two, we all have different passions…it will be our passion, above all, that keeps us grounded in our careers as social workers. So remember to always keep that passion at the core of your mind and heart, and live it out!
Number three, we are not defined by our degrees…we should be reminded that our degree is a symbol of service to others.

Number four, although cliché, we did not select the field of social work for the income, but for the outcome…for a great man once stated, ‘The greatness of a man (or a woman) is not how much wealth he acquires, but it is in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.”

Dr. Kathy Figley & Dean Jim Clark

The student speaker was followed by the keynote speaker Dr. Kathy Figley. In her speech, she  asked the graduates in her speech, “Where will your compassion lead you?” quoting Henry Nowen a priest and psychologist who said, ‘Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter into the places of pain, to share in the brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish.’ She reminded graduates of the importance of compassion and empathy for their clients, but also for themselves in order to avoid compassion fatigue and with an emphasis on self-care.  Following the ceremony graduates, their families, faculty and staff mingled to offer congratulations and to take pictures.

The 2016 College of Social Work awards were also presented to some exemplary students, faculty and alumni, including:

  • BSW Student of the Year: Morgan Lodes
  • MSW Student of the Year: Bryan Wimberly
  • Doctoral Student of the Year: Stephanie Kennedy
  • Instructor of the Year: Kirk Brown
  • Professor of the Year: Stephen Tripodi
  • Field Educator of the Year: Nancy Ford
  • Institute for Family Violence Studies Director’s Award: Morgan Lodes
  • Diane F. Harrison Doctoral Award: Stephanie Kennedy

Congratulations to the graduating Class of Spring 2016!

Spring 2016 Graduates at the FSU College of Social Work Convocation


Tuesday, December 13, 2016 - 12:50 PM
Last updated: Mon, 07/01/2024 - 11:03 AM