FSU Launches New Professional Certification in Human Trafficking Prevention and Intervention

Florida State University has launched a new online certification in human trafficking prevention and intervention to help professionals develop skills to better understand the dynamics of the various types of human trafficking.
“The Professional Certification in Human Trafficking Prevention and Intervention certification offers an economical way to provide access to much-needed knowledge and skills to a broad range of professionals who provide services to human trafficking survivors,” said Jim Clark, dean and professor for the FSU College of Social Work. “Professionals can enhance their career potential and gain a thorough understanding of the core concepts of human trafficking dynamics, prevention strategies and evidence-based trauma-informed interventions.”
Professionals also will learn of the effect of trauma on victims/survivors and how to provide victim-centered trauma-informed services.
“The certification takes a multidisciplinary public health approach to examine root causes and prevention of human trafficking,” said Karen Oehme, director of the Institute for Family Violence Studies (IFVS). “In addition, up-to-date social science research is used to highlight successful trauma-informed prevention and intervention strategies to assist survivors of human trafficking.”
Participants will learn of innovative community assistance programs for victims being implemented nationwide. The certification provides information on protections and services for vulnerable populations like at-risk youth, child victims of trafficking and adults with developmental disabilities while also touching on trauma-informed judicial practices, survivor-centered law enforcement practices and criminal justice solutions.
“The certification provides professionals across many disciplines with knowledge of foundational state and federal trafficking laws and relevant case law designed to protect adult victim/survivors of human trafficking, and learn strategies to hold traffickers accountable,” said Terry Coonan, executive director of the FSU Center for the Advancement of Human Rights.
The certification can provide participants confidence that they can incorporate knowledge of trauma-informed human trafficking prevention and intervention into their own services and practices. Participants also gain the ability to assist their leadership in establishing, strengthening and maintaining trauma informed services to trafficking victims throughout their organization.
This self-paced curriculum includes seven chapters and 12 hours of course content with research-based readings, case scenarios, multimedia materials, assignments and quizzes. Participants from a range of fields, including lawyers, judges, nurses, licensed counselors and social workers can earn Continuing Education Credits for taking the course. Participants outside of Florida can submit their certification to their licensing board to determine credit awarded.
This certification is designed to benefit human trafficking professionals, coalition and task force members, social services providers, victim advocates, child welfare staff, counselors, psychologists, social workers, guardians ad litem, first responders, medical professionals, lawyers, judges, clergy, juvenile justice professionals and educators.
Faculty from across Florida State’s campus participated in the review of the new course, in addition to human trafficking stakeholders from across the state. When professionals complete the training, they will receive professional certification from The FSU Center for Academic and Professional Development.
The certification is part of a successful professional development series and was a collaborative project developed by the Clearinghouse on Trauma and Resilience at IFVS, the FSU College of Social Work, the FSU Center for the Advancement of Human Rights and the FSU Center for Academic and Professional Development.
For questions about fees and enrollment, contact The FSU Center for Academic & Professional Development at resilience@capd.fsu.edu or (850) 644-7545. Discounts are provided for FSU alumni and veterans.