FSU Partners with Local Council in Recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Florida State University, including the FSU Institute for Family Violence Studies and the College of Social Work, is partnering with the Tallahassee Domestic Violence Coordinating Council (DVCC) on local events to bring attention to the issues related to domestic violence.
During October, local law enforcement agencies including the FSU Police Department will display a law enforcement vehicle wrapped in a design that encourages all to “End the Silence on Domestic Violence” along with a hotline number to help.
The vehicle design was unveiled on Thursday, September 29 at the Cascades Park Plaza in Tallahassee, Florida. At the event, local sheriffs and police chiefs gathered together as forces united against domestic violence. Along with the DVCC, Refuge House and domestic violence survivor, Kisha Wilkinson spoke on how vital community awareness is to prevent domestic and intimate partner violence and educate the community where to find help.
During the first week of October, the Florida Capitol was lit up in purple lights, the color of domestic violence awareness, to commemorate Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The lighting ceremony took place on Friday evening, October 1st on the steps of the Florida Capitol and included representatives from local law enforcement, the DVCC and Refuge House. Remarks were made by County Commissioner Rick Minor and City Commissioner Dianne Williams-Cox.
Supporting community partners and organizations will also help domestic violence awareness by placing purple ribbons with hotline numbers on their front doors. Purple pinwheels will also be made available for community partners to display in prominent green spaces. Contact Lyndi Bradley at lbradley2@fsu.edu to request supplies.