FSU Social Work Welcomes Undergraduate Exchange Student from Sweden

The College of Social Work has had a special international partnership with Jönköping University in Sweden since 2012, offering an exchange opportunity for both universities’ undergraduate students. Students participating in the exchange can take a full-time course load for a full semester at their host university.
At the start of the Spring 2025 semester, the college welcomed Alice Vesterberg from Sweden. Enjoy a brief interview with Alice below, who shares her experiences studying in the United States.
What interested you most in coming to the United States to study social work?
What interested me most about coming to FSU and studying social work was to compare what it looks like in different countries. The systems in Sweden, compared to the USA, look very different, and that's why I chose to come here.
I hope to learn to understand the importance of knowing how different social workers work to achieve the same goal. I also hope to learn more about different cultures, hopefully developing my ability as a social worker.
What are you studying this semester and what have your classes been like?
I am taking classes about groups, individuals and families, family violence and child welfare. The classes are great so far and the professors are amazing. The professors have been so kind and helpful, which I am very appreciative of.
What have you enjoyed most? And what have been some challenges or things you have had to adjust to?
What I have enjoyed the most so far is the hospitality here. I have not talked to a single person who has not been welcoming, which is very appreciated. Obviously, I have to mention the beautiful weather, too! Living in Sweden can be difficult during the winter because of the very few sunlight hours, so I was very happy to go here during our darkest season to get some sun.
One challenge for me since coming here has definitely been how active students have to be during class, which is not something I’m very used to. I do think it’s a great way of learning, but it took some getting used to and definitely challenged me to practice my fear of speaking in front of people.
What is it like in Sweden and at Jönköping University?
Sweden is a beautiful country. The summer is the best in Sweden, with almost 24 hours of daylight and summer weather, where the temperature is similar to spring in Florida. Jönköping University is great! The education system is very good and differs from that of the U.S. because we take one course at a time, which I think is a good system. We have committees organizing various student activities, such as "Cava and Canvas.” We also have a nightclub that is very popular!
A student culture that we have at Jönköping University is that we have overalls that are in different colors to show which school you belong to. We decorate these overalls with patches, and seeing what fun patches others have is always fun.
What might a College of Social Work student learn about or experience at Jönköping University?
An FSU student coming to Jönköping University will experience a whole different culture from the one in the U.S. I also think that it can be useful for all individuals to see how different welfare systems work around the world and what you might be able to take with you and change, but also realize what you like about your country's system.
Contact Carol Edwards at carol.edwards@fsu.edu for more information about the Exchange Program with Jönköping University.