Podcast: Re-Imagining Child Welfare Through Technology and Innovation

January 2021 the Florida Institute for Child Welfare released the second season of its podcast focused on “Re-Imagining Child Welfare Through Technology and Innovation.” In this latest season of the podcast, listeners can learn about how technology, creativity and collaboration is changing and innovating child welfare practice.
Every Wednesday through March 10th the institute will release all of five episodes of their podcast, which features discussions with Dr. Jessica Pryce, director of the institute, and visionary leaders in social welfare.
Season one of the podcast focused on “Child Protection Caseworker Support,” which can be listened to on SoundCloud. Access each podcast on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify and YouTube. Learn more at https://ficw.fsu.edu/podcast.
The first episode of season 2 of the podcast focuses on “Innovation to Enhance the Frontline,” focusing on how cutting-edge technology is affecting the child welfare system. Dr. Pryce discusses this area with guest Leah Dienger, a two-time graduate of the FSU College of Social Work (MSW, ’94; BSW, ’91). After years as a social worker in the public and private sector, Leah is now a senior consultant and health and human services subject matter expert for IBM. She uses her extensive knowledge of social programs to guide the design, development and implementation of technology solutions to improve experiences for government agencies, caseworkers and the clients they serve.
Check out the topics for proceeding episodes:
- Episode 2: “ How the Assessment Response Team Can Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness in Case Management”
Premieres: January 27, 2020
Guest: Miranda Slaughter
Explore how an Assessment Response Team uses strategies to give case managers more time to provide direct service to children and families in need.
- Episode 3: “A Depp Look at How Community Participatory Action Research Includes Parent and Youth Voices to Improve Child Welfare”
Premieres: February 10, 2020
Guests: Dr. Seanteé Campbell and Tiffany Csonka
Take look at Community Participatory Action Research and how it is being utilized in Broward County and is providing insights about how parents are treated in and affected by the Florida child welfare system.
- Episode 4: “Social Worker-Client Relationship in the Digital Age”
Premieres: February 24, 2020
Guest: Dr. Karen Randolph
Learn how social media advances are changing social work dynamics and empowering caseworkers to communicate effectively with parents and youths on their terms.
- Episode 5: “CaseAIM: Reimagining the Future of Foster Care”
Premieres: March 10, 2020
Guest: Morgan Ryan
Find out about the groundbreaking case management software and system CaseAIM and how it is being utilized by Florida child welfare workers.